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Hangzhou Tiny PCBA Co., Ltd.  

PCBA, PCB, Electronic component, Connectors, IC Chip

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公司名称 Hangzhou Tiny PCBA Co., Ltd.
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 $0.00
公司类型 company ()
所 在 地 China/jiangxi/jian
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2015
经营范围 PCBA, PCB, Electronic component, Connectors, IC Chip
销售的产品 PCBA, PCB, Electronic component, Connectors, IC Chip
主营行业 Agriculture & Food    
Hangzhou Tiny PCBA Co., Ltd. TinyPCBA Co., Ltd.established in 2010, located in Hangzhou, China, is a hi-tech company, which specializes in fabricating high precision, high density and high reliability PCB from 2 to 30 layers. We supply the service of pcb design,pcb clone and pcba assembly.We will do fly probe test pcb,AOI or X-Ray for test pcba. We provide an extensive range of fabrication, engineering and machining services, including in-house vertically integrated high precision SMT mount, plastic injection molding, high volume metal stamping, die-casting and custom fabrication for automotive, industrial, medical, consumer, telecom, and technology companies ,we focused on optimize customer's operations by lowering their costs and reducing their time to market. In view of meeting our customer's different quantity requirements, we designedly expand our factory to meet all small to large quantity order and prototype additionally requirements, no MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity). Your success is our aim, welcome to visit factory!

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